
Welcome to the JHS Speak Out Blogspot! This is where you'll find the articles of the Speak Out questions that are asked. You can see the responses of your fellow JHS students. Enjoy:)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How did you feel about the transition from elementary to high school?

Seventh Grader Special!

Morgan Manners: "It was weird, but now it's okay."

Erin Ballard: "I felt nervous, but now I'm feeling better about it."

Lindsey Honaker: "I was nervous at first, but now I feel better."

Landon McFall: "It was pretty good. It's great now!"

Cailin Mize: "I was feeling pretty good about it; a little less than before now."

1 comment:

  1. Change can be hard! Especially when it requires moving out of your comfort zone. What made the transition easier?
