
Welcome to the JHS Speak Out Blogspot! This is where you'll find the articles of the Speak Out questions that are asked. You can see the responses of your fellow JHS students. Enjoy:)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How Do You Feel About Eagle Empowerment?

Shantelle 7th grade “I feel good about it”

Matthew Allen 11th grade “To put it plainly, it is flat out great”

 James Davis 8th grade “It is pretty cool”

Destiny Mccain 9th grade “It’s alright”

 Alexis Crespo 12th grade “It is awesome”

Emily Ausborn 10th grade “I love it. I feel like it is good for our school”


  1. This is really good...because I helped

  2. I like how you have each person's age and a picture of them.

  3. I'm very happy to see that you finally got this up. I'm sorry that I was unable to post it to the website before you got this blog.

  4. its a good program it gives us a chance to talk about issues and how to better not only ourselves but also our comunity

  5. Really good job it has a person from each grade and gives a good level look at eagle empowerment

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I feel while this expresses a point, it doesn't really address any issue other than trying to justify eagle empowerment. There are no negative opinions displayed so the argument is totally one sided, causing a loss in credibility. Moreover, only Emily gives a reasonable (if brief) point as to why she feels the way she does. I think it would be more beneficial if a conversation arose between two people about the pros and cons of E.E. rather than just selecting a group of people with positive opinions.

  8. This is very good. I love the way you have everyone's picture and what graade they are in. Keep up with the good work(:

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I agree with an earlier comment. It was well put together and had great output from the students.

  11. It's a good start, but I think it could use some improvment. I think that pulling people from different grades is a good idea, but maybe there should be more to it. Present both sides of the arguement, and why. Not just 'it's great'-why is it great? More meaningful quotes will add some depth to the blog.

  12. I suppose everyone is loving eagle empowerment! I don't mind having some time to chill after a busy morning, but I'm not sure that everyone is getting something out of it. I hope that we can take off this semester and get some good accomplished during that time :)

  13. I enjoyed your blog. I like how you asked a variety of people and got their responses.

  14. I think that eagle empowerment is a great way to hear what the students and the teachers think.

  15. I agree with an earlier comment it is good to have people good side to but I'm sure everyone that you spoke to did not only have a good side to the new EE class. But as I said before Great Blog!!

  16. Hali I really liked your blog, but I do think you should've got comments from some other people who don't all see Eagle Empowerment the same way. Besides that I really enjoyed your blog and I think that you shpuld keep it up !

  17. I like the article. You did a great job, but not everyone thinks the same way or looks at "Eagle Empowerment" being so great. I enjoy it because, it's something new to me. But, some other students seem to act like "EE" is not their favorite time of the day. I think the artcle could have been better if you had included some negative comments recieved from other students. But, overall great job!
