
Welcome to the JHS Speak Out Blogspot! This is where you'll find the articles of the Speak Out questions that are asked. You can see the responses of your fellow JHS students. Enjoy:)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How did you feel about the Accreditation visitors? What about the entertainment in the Cafetorium?

Mallory Mcguire, 12th grade: "They didn't really effect me, but I enjoyed the entertainment. It was pleasant."

Chance Marbut, 10th grade: "I never really saw them, but I heard they didn't really do anything. I liked the Jazz Band. They need to do that more often. It was better than hearing people scream across the lunchroom."

Rivan Hill, 7th grade: "Good, I guess. The band was fine."

Gabrielle Peevy, 9th grade: "I didn't even know they were here. The band was loud, but good."

Alexis Paige, 8th grade: "Well, I don't think it was a problem, because we have a great school! I think the Jazz Band  was awesome, and we should do it more often."

Brooke Kozinski, 11th grade: "I'm indifferent. Band was enjoyable. It was fun. I hope they do it again."


  1. The band ought to play for the school more; why do we need an occasion?

  2. I think that the band should play about once every week or so so that it doesnt get annoying.

  3. I like everything but History and English. Not just because it is not about my country, but I didn't like it when I was in Korea, too.
    I like playing soccer here! haha and my friends.

  4. i think it was the first time i didnt want to leave the cafe! i could really get used to that jazz band
